

Was he troubled? or trouble came looking 4 him in a world of B all that u can B... and as Walhol said... "looking 4... 15 minutes of fame"... well... they got their 15 & more... with bitter a taste... now that the deed is done... no way of winding back time...

...Stepped out the George Washington Bridge, dropped his wallet and jumped into the Hudson River... (don't need 2 see... 2 get the picture.)

[Federal privacy laws and a preference among many colleges to handle mental-health issues... (& I wonder... who's... mental health?) Some parents have sued over student suicides, and some universities have paid out settlements. Other schools, have prevailed in court, with juries finding that officials aren’t necessarily obligated to alert parents on students’ distress.]

Distress caused by others... promoting discrimination. Instead of looking @ the reflection in the mirror... “actions that gravely violate standards of decency and humanity.” People without any level of empathy... feeling above the rest... without knowledge nor awareness... hollow shells & empty heads... Not thinking of the consequences behind their actions, their words, their thoughts...

cyberbullying... or bullying from afar... minimizing the crime... harassment via interactive technology, social-network, text-messaging... taking their aggressions online... harassment or abuse in metamorphosing form, cell photographs intended to be kept private... photomontage... streaming videos online,  stealing personal data, passwords or network identities and in a viral way using it to harass or abuse someone... any one.

100 million dollars giveaway of what his face?... and none 4 the legal measures that must be taken 2 ensure no further abuse is committed... after all it's just a few drops in their bucket... one would think a collective and corrective measure would be in place 2 prevent a child, a teen, a persons world from crumbling down... ignorance is bliss...

Then... take the plunge...  2 fix this... & taste the sweet waters of life.